Bake at 150°C with fan-assisted oven for approximately 12 to 15 minutes (until lightly golden brown) since they will be baked again with the almond cream.
When out of the oven, place 2 teaspoons of almond cream in each tart shell.
Place a few frozen blueberries in half of the tartlets. Do the same for the raspberry ones, adding some frozen raspberry pieces in each shell.
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes until the cream is cooked but not colored, if you want to egg wash them. Otherwise, let them bake a bit longer until the almond cream lightly browns.
Remove the tart rings and run the back of a sieve over each tart shell to remove any irregularities. Then, use a paper towel to remove any crumbs.
Prepare the egg wash by mixing the egg yolk and the cream. Brush the egg wash onto the sides of the tartlets, passing the brush several times to remove any drips.
Return the tartlets to the oven to achieve a nice golden color, for about 8 minutes. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.