easy french fraisier cake
The strawberry season is here, and I want to share with you this delicious recipe of the timeless classic of French pastry that everyone likes, the fraisier cake with mousseline cream.
On the day you go shopping, don’t forget to pick up some nice strawberries to make it. It’s a very good dessert, always appreciated.
The fraisier is the star cake of spring when strawberries appear on the stalls. It consists of 2 layers of génoise, a delicious mousseline cream which distinguishes it from the fraisier cake with diplomat cream, fresh strawberries, and a thin layer of almond paste covering the top.
The mousseline cream is delicious and light even though it contains butter added to a pastry cream. It’s the most commonly used cream for fraisier cakes, along with diplomat cream. This one consists of pastry cream lightened with whipped cream and gelatin for better texture and perfect unmolding.
I really like the almond paste on top, I think it goes really well with the strawberries and cream, and it’s not for nothing that it was chosen by the chefs.
It can, of course, be replaced by a red fruit mirror (like the one on the cheesecake) to suit individual tastes and desires.

Tips to make a perfect french fraisier cake
Table of Contents
The fraisier cake recipe is not at all difficult, just follow the steps and everything will turn out superbly. Mousseline cream is made from cooled pastry cream, to which butter is added and whipped to lighten and aerate it. You can prepare it the day before, and the next day, you simply need to whisk it to smooth it out, then incorporate the softened butter and continue whisking until you achieve a light cream.
To ensure a successful mousseline cream and prevent it from becoming grainy, it is important to use the pastry cream and butter at room temperature. The pastry cream and butter must be at the same temperature. In this way, you can be sure of perfect incorporation. For those who have a thermometer, I’ll explain how to proceed in the mousseline cream recipe.
I use a sponge cake baked on a baking tray to achieve a relatively thin biscuit layer. You can also opt for a sponge cake baked in a mold, which you will then slice into discs. You can use this sponge cake by adapting the quantities.
Don’t hesitate to watch the recipe video to visualize all the steps clearly, even though I’ve detailed everything in the article for you.
Preparation steps :
NB: Find the complete recipe with detailed ingredient quantities in the recipe card at the end of the article, which you can print out. |
For a square fraisier cake measuring 22 cm ( 8.7 in ) by 22 cm ( 8.7 in ) by 5 cm (2 in ) hight, serving 12 portions.
My frame is only 4 cm high ( 1.57 in ), but the rhodoid is 5 cm ( 2 in )
For a round fraisier cake with a diameter of 20 cm ( 7.87 in ), multiply each ingredient by 0.64. I’ve put the quantities at the end of the article, rounding off the calculations a little.
Try to buy good-quality strawberries of the same size.
The sponge cake
1. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F )
2. Whisk the eggs and sugar in a double boiler (hot water) off the heat. The mixture should just warm up. If it gets too hot, remove it from the double boiler. The mixture triples in volume and becomes airy.
3. Remove the bowl from the double boiler and gently fold in the sifted flour. Work gradually from bottom to top with a spatula.
4. Grease a large baking tray in which you can cut 2 squares of sponge to the dimensions of the pastry frame, or use 2 smaller baking trays. Draw 2 squares or a rectangle measuring 22 x 44 cm ( 8.7 in x 17.32 in ) on baking paper. Flip the drawing face down onto the baking tray and lightly grease it.
5. Place the batter in a piping bag or a freezer bag and fill the square by piping lines next to each other.
6. Bake for about ten minutes. Keep an eye on it; the sponge should be lightly colored and soft.
7. Turn out onto a towel placed over a wire rack, remove the baking paper, and let it cool. Cut out 2 squares with the pastry frame. Cut one square outside the frame for the top of the strawberry cake.
8. Cut another square of sponge cake inside the frame for the inside of the strawberry cake. Leave them covered until assembly
You can prepare it the day before and cover it with a towel, then wrap it in plastic wrap. Keep the sponge cake in the refrigerator.
Syrup for soaking
Place the water, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan. Bring to the boil until the sugar has completely dissolved.
Strain and let cool.
Mousseline cream
Mousseline cream is a pastry cream to which butter is added and then whipped together. We make an emulsion. You can prepare the pastry cream the day before if you wish and store it in the refrigerator. Before use, let it come back to room temperature. If this is your first time baking, I recommend letting the pastry cream cool in a large dish without putting it in the refrigerator. This way, you can be sure it’s at the right temperature. Let it cool completely, otherwise it will melt the butter. |
Prepare the pastry cream
1. Put a little sugar from the 200 g ( 7 oz ) in a saucepan with the milk. This prevents the cream from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan.
2. Scrape the vanilla seeds and put them in the milk along with the pod. Bring to the heat and warm without boiling. Remove from heat, cover with plastic wrap, and let steep for 15 minutes or more.
3. When the milk has infused, whisk the egg yolks and the remaining sugar until pale. Add the sifted cornstarch and gently mix without whisking.
4. Bring the milk to the boil and remove just before it rises. Pour half the milk through a sieve onto the yolks, stirring to dilute.
Add the remaining milk, stir and transfer to the saucepan. Bring to medium heat to thicken. Stir constantly, scraping the bottom of the saucepan. Whisk vigorously.
5. Remove from heat when the cream starts to bubble (air bubbles bursting) Add
Remove from heat and add half the butter (165 g) ( 5.82 oz ) in 3 batches. Stir well each time.
6. Pour into a large dish to accelerate cooling. Cover with cling film in direct contact with surface to prevent the cream from forming a crust (the cling film must be pressed against the cream).
7. Allow to cool completely to room temperature. You can speed up cooling by placing it in the fridge, but check the temperature before use. Take it out a little before use to bring it to room temperature.
Whip up the mousseline cream
1. Transfer the pastry cream into the bowl of a stand mixer or a mixing bowl if you are using a hand mixer.
2. The pastry cream should be cold. You won’t need a thermometer if you’ve left it at room temperature.
3. The butter should be soft but not mayonnaise-like. Cream it a slightly, but you don’t have to.
4. Whip the pastry cream to a smooth consistency on medium speed 4/6. Scrape down the bowl to mix the bottom thoroughly.
5. Add the butter, spoonful by spoonful, while whisking. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl from time to time.
6. The mousseline cream thickens, whitens and becomes frothy and airy. Once all the butter is incorporated, whisk at maximum speed until the desired consistency is reached (about 2 minutes).
7. Check consistency. If you whip too much, the cream will become smoother and less frothy. This way it’s perfect. It is smooth, light, and airy.
8. Your cream is ready to use. Keep refrigerated until ready to use. Be careful, it firms up quickly.
Assembly :
1. Prepare the pastry frame for assembling the strawberry cake. Place a presentation board on a plate and the pastry frame on top.
Moisten the rhodoïd strips and press them against the sides of the frame. The rhodoïd strips ( 5 cm in height ) make unmolding easier and result in smooth sides.
2. Place the sponge cake square, the cut one inside the frame.
3. Pat strawberries dry with paper towel. Cut a dozen in 2, preferably the same size, otherwise even out with a knife.
4. Lightly soak the sponge cake with the syrup using a brush or spray bottle. Place the strawberry halves side by side against the walls of the frame.
5. Fill the piping bag with mousseline cream. Pipe the mousseline cream over the strawberries, especially into the gaps between them. Add a generous layer of mousseline in the center. Spread it well, making sure to cover all the sides of the frame.
6. Fill with strawberry pieces and then cover with more mousseline cream. Spread it well
7. If you don’t want the sponge cake to be visible on the sides, do not fill it to the brim. Leave a little space to press it down. Smooth with a offset spatula.
8. Soak the second square of sponge cake on the side that will be against the cream. Place it on top of the frame, gently pulling on the sides to ensure it reaches the edges. Lightly soak the top.
9. Cover with a very thin layer of cream to make the almond paste adhere. Smooth it out well, removing any excess. The cream should barely be visible beneath the almond paste, especially on the sides.
10. Preferably decorate at the last moment, one or two hours before serving, to prevent the almond paste and strawberries from losing their brightness.
11. Roll out the almond paste on a sheet of parchment paper dusted with icing sugar.
12. Cut a square using the frame of the fraisier cake, which you will remove once the cream has set enough (I used another one). Place it on top of the fraisier and run your hands over the entire surface to remove any air bubbles.
13. Trim the sides to reveal the sponge cake. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve ( I made it on Thursday and served it on Saturday evening ).
14. Decorate the day of the tasting to taste. I decorated it with strawberries and a few sugar paste flowers.
Do not put the fraisier cake in the freezer, as strawberries do not withstand freezing.
Proportions for a pastry ring of 20 cm ( 7.8 in ) by 5 cm ( 2 in )
The sponge cake
- 3 eggs
- 90 g sugar ( 3.2 oz )
- 90 g (3.2 oz) flour
Mousseline cream
- 500 ml milk
- 80 g ( 2.8 oz ) egg yolks (from 4 eggs)
- 125 g ( 4.4 oz ) sugar
- 55 g ( 1.9 oz ) cornflour
- 1/2 plump vanilla bean
- 220 g butter ( 7.8 oz ) ( 2 × 110 g) ( 2 x 3.9 oz )
➡️ 110 g ( 3.9 oz ) in the hot crème pâtissière, then 110 g ( 3.9 oz ) once cooled
Syrup for soaking
- 70 g sugar ( 2.4 oz ) and 10 g ( 0.35 oz ) vanilla sugar, otherwise 80 g (2.8 oz ) sugar
- 65 ml water
- 1/2 vanilla pod
For assembly
- 600 g ( 21 oz ) strawberries, more or less
Proportions for a frame of 20 cm by 20 cm (7.8 in by 7.8 in) and 5 cm ( 2 in) high
The sponge cake
- 4 eggs
- 120 g (4.2 oz) granulated sugar
- 120 g (4.2 oz) flour
Mousseline cream
- 600 ml milk
- 100 g egg yolks ( 3.5 oz ) (from 4 eggs)
- 165 g sugar ( 5.8 oz )
- 65 g cornflour ( 2.3 oz )
- 1 plump vanilla bean
- 270 g butter ( 9.52 oz )( 2 × 135 g) ( 2 x 4.75 oz )
➡️ 135 g ( 4.75 oz ) in the hot pastry cream, then 135 g (4.75 oz ) once cooled
Syrup for soaking
- 90 g ( 3.17 oz ) sugar and 12 g ( 0.42 oz ) vanilla sugar otherwise 100 g ( 3.52 oz ) sugar
- 85 ml water
- 1/2 vanilla pod
For assembly
- 650 g ( 22.9 oz ) strawberries more or less
Easy fraisier cake (french strawberry cake )
Ingredients :
- For a square fraisier cake measuring 22 cm (8.7 in ) by 22 cm ( 8.7 in ) by 5 cm (2 in ) hight, serving 12 portions. My frame is only 4 cm high ( 1.57 in ), but the rhodoid is 5 cm ( 2 in )
- For a round fraisier cake with a diameter of 20 cm (7.87 in) , multiply each ingredient by 0.64. I've put the quantities at the end of the article, rounding off the calculations a little.
- Try to buy good-quality strawberries of the same size.
The sponge cake
- This quantity will give you 3 squares of sponge cake.
- You will only need 2 squares. Save the third one for another dessert.
- 5 eggs
- 150 g (5.3 oz) granulated sugar
- 150 g (5.3 oz) flour
Mousseline cream
- 750 ml (26.45 oz ) whole milk
- 120 g (4.23 oz ) egg yolks (from 6 large eggs) or
- 3 eggs + 2 egg yolks
- 200 g (7 oz )sugar
- 80 g (2.82 oz ) cornstarch
- a vanilla bean
- 330 g ( 11.64 oz )butter 82% fat (2 × 165 g) ( 2 x 5.82 oz )
- ➡️ 165 g ( 5.82 oz) in the hot crème pâtissière, then 165 g ( 5.82 oz ) once cooled
Syrup for soaking
- 110 g (3.88 oz ) sugar and
- 2 packets of vanilla sugar 15g (0.5 oz) or (125g of sugar) (4.4 oz)
- 100 ml water
- 1/2 vanilla pod
For assembly
- 800 g (28.2 oz )strawberries, washed, hulled and well drained
- sponge cake
- syrup for soaking
- Mousseline cream
Quick almond paste (preferably prepared the day before)
- You can use one from the store.
- 200 g (7 oz) powdered sugar
- 200 g (7 oz ) almond powder
- 2 egg whites 60 g ( 2.1 oz )
- powdered sugar for spreading
Instructions :
The sponge cake
- Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F )
- Whisk the eggs and sugar in a double boiler (hot water) off the heat.
- The mixture should just warm up.
- If it gets too hot, remove it from the double boiler.
- The mixture triples in volume and becomes airy.
- Remove the bowl from the double boiler and gently fold in the sifted flour.
- Work gradually from bottom to top with a spatula.
- Grease a large baking tray in which you can cut 2 squares of sponge to the dimensions of the pastry frame, or use 2 smaller baking trays.
- Draw 2 squares or a rectangle measuring 22 x 44 cm ( 8.7 in x 17.32 in ) on baking paper.
- Flip the drawing face down onto the baking tray and lightly grease it.
- Place the batter in a piping bag or a freezer bag and fill the square by piping lines next to each other.
- Bake for about ten minutes.
- Keep an eye on it; the sponge should be lightly colored and soft.
- Turn out onto a towel placed over a wire rack, remove the baking paper, and let it cool. Cut out 2 squares with the pastry frame. Cut one square outside the frame for the top of the strawberry cake.
- Cut another square of sponge cake inside the frame for the inside of the strawberry cake.
- Leave them covered until assembly
- You can prepare it the day before and cover it with a towel, then wrap it in plastic wrap. Keep the sponge cake in the refrigerator.
Syrup for soaking
- Place the water, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan.
- Bring to the boil until the sugar has completely dissolved.
- Strain and let cool.
Mousseline cream
- Mousseline cream is a pastry cream to which butter is added and then whipped together. We make an emulsion. You can prepare the pastry cream the day before if you wish and store it in the refrigerator. Before use, let it come back to room temperature.
- If this is your first time baking, I recommend letting the pastry cream cool in a large dish without putting it in the refrigerator. This way, you can be sure it's at the right temperature.
- Let it cool completely, otherwise it will melt the butter.
Prepare the pastry cream
- Put a little sugar from the 200 g ( 7 oz ) in a saucepan with the milk.
- This prevents the cream from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan.
- Scrape the vanilla seeds and put them in the milk along with the pod.
- Bring to the heat and warm without boiling.
- Remove from heat, cover with plastic wrap, and let steep for 15 minutes or more.
- When the milk has infused, whisk the egg yolks and the remaining sugar until pale.
- Add the sifted cornstarch and gently mix without whisking.
- Bring the milk to the boil and remove just before it rises. Pour half the milk through a sieve onto the yolks, stirring to dilute.
- Add the remaining milk, stir and transfer to the saucepan.
- Bring to medium heat to thicken.
- Stir constantly, scraping the bottom of the saucepan. Whisk vigorously.
- Remove from heat when the cream starts to bubble (air bubbles bursting)
- Remove from heat and add half the butter (165 g) ( 5.82 oz ) in 3 batches.
- Stir well each time. Pour into a large dish to accelerate cooling.
- Cover with cling film in direct contact with surface to prevent the cream from forming a crust (the cling film must be pressed against the cream).
- Allow to cool completely to room temperature.
- You can speed up cooling by placing it in the fridge, but check the temperature before use.
- Take it out a little before use to bring it to room temperature.
Whip up the mousseline cream
- Transfer the pastry cream into the bowl of a stand mixer or a mixing bowl if you are using a hand mixer.
- The pastry cream should be cold. You won't need a thermometer if you've left it at room temperature.
- The butter should be soft but not mayonnaise-like. Cream it a slightly, but you don't have to.
- Whip the pastry cream to a smooth consistency on medium speed 4/6.
- Scrape down the bowl to mix the bottom thoroughly.
- Add the butter, spoonful by spoonful, while whisking.
- Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl from time to time.
- The mousseline cream thickens, whitens and becomes frothy and airy.
- Once all the butter is incorporated, whisk at maximum speed until the desired consistency is reached (about 2 minutes). Check consistency.
- If you whip too much, the cream will become smoother and less frothy.
- This way it's perfect. It is smooth, light, and airy.
- Your cream is ready to use. Keep refrigerated until ready to use. Be careful, it firms up quickly.
Assembly :
- Prepare the pastry frame for assembling the strawberry cake.
- Place a presentation board on a plate and the pastry frame on top.
- Moisten the rhodoïd strips and press them against the sides of the frame. The rhodoid strips ( 5 cm in height ) make unmolding easier and result in smooth sides.
- Place the sponge cake square, the cut one inside the frame.
- Pat strawberries dry with paper towel.
- Cut a dozen in 2, preferably the same size, otherwise even out with a knife.
- Lightly soak the sponge cake with the syrup using a brush or spray bottle.
- Place the strawberry halves side by side against the walls of the frame.
- Fill the piping bag with mousseline cream.
- Pipe the mousseline cream over the strawberries, especially into the gaps between them.
- Add a generous layer of mousseline in the center.
- Spread it well, making sure to cover all the sides of the frame.
- Fill with strawberry pieces and then cover with more mousseline cream. Spread it well
- If you don't want the sponge cake to be visible on the sides, do not fill it to the brim. Leave a little space to press it down.
- Smooth with a offset spatula.
- Soak the second square of sponge cake on the side that will be against the cream.
- Place it on top of the frame, gently pulling on the sides to ensure it reaches the edges. Lightly soak the top.
- Cover with a very thin layer of cream to make the almond paste adhere.
- Smooth it out well, removing any excess.
- The cream should barely be visible beneath the almond paste, especially on the sides.
- Preferably decorate at the last moment, one or two hours before serving, to prevent the almond paste and strawberries from losing their brightness.
- Roll out the almond paste on a sheet of parchment paper dusted with icing sugar.
- Cut a square using the frame of the fraisier cake, which you will remove once the cream has set enough (I used another one). Place it on top of the fraisier and run your hands over the entire surface to remove any air bubbles.
- Trim the sides to reveal the sponge cake. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve ( I made it on Thursday and served it on Saturday evening ).
- Decorate the day of the tasting to taste. I decorated it with strawberries and a few sugar paste flowers.
- Do not put the fraisier cake in the freezer, as strawberries do not withstand freezing.
Prepare the marzipan
- Toast the almond powder in the oven for 10 minutes at 140°C (285°F).
- Grind the almond powder alone, then a second time with the powdered sugar.
- Mix with the egg whites and a little gel food coloring until you reach the desired color. Knead it well.
- Sprinkle with powdered sugar and store in cling film until ready to use.
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