You can see the recipe with more pictures and the video on the article : ladyfingers Make 2 cartouches of 35 cm (14 in) by 8 cm (3.2 in) each and 2 discs of 18 cm (7 in) (You can make it the day before).
Draw 2 strips measuring 35 cm (14 in) by 8 cm (3.2 in). Turn the sheet over onto the buttered baking sheet, with the design against the sheet.
Place the egg whites in the bowl of the food processor and beat at medium speed.
When frothy, add 1/3 of the sugar without stopping the food processor.
Increase speed slightly.
Add half the remaining sugar when they have risen but are not yet very firm.
When they are almost firm, add the remaining sugar to tighten them and increase the speed to maximum.
Stop as soon as they are firm and smooth. They have to be stiff peak.
Add the egg yolks and mix gently with a spatula to prevent the meringue from collapsing.
Add the sifted flour all at once.
Gently fold in the mixture, lifting and turning the bowl. Scrape the bottom to blend everything together.
Do not mix or whisk vigorously. The device must remain frothy, do not try to smooth it.
Using a 10 or 12 mm (0.3 or 0.4 in) plain tip, pipe into a pastry bag.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees (350 degrees Fahrenheit) fan-assisted or 200 (400 degrees Fahrenheit) degrees fan-assisted.
Arrange ladyfingers of varying sizes, one next to the other. Space them slightly apart, so they almost touch.
You can space them 2 mm (0.07 in) apart, as they will stick together as they swell.
Make 2 discs of 18 cm (7 in).
Sprinkle 2 times, 5 minutes apart, with a thin veil of powdered sugar.
You can leave them unsprinkled if you want them smooth and not pearly (crunchy, pearly layer on top).
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.
Open the oven halfway through cooking to let off steam, then close immediately. This prevents the ladyfingers from falling and cracking.
They should be lightly browned to keep them moist. Below, they're a little more golden than they need to be.
Carefully remove from parchment paper as soon as they hold together a little, to avoid breaking them.
The ladyfingers are nicely pearlescent and super soft. Leave to cool.